Jewelry Education 101

diamonds 101

Diamonds 101

Diamonds are some of the world's most beautiful gemstones to have set into jewelry. With so many different qualities to choose from, it can be difficult to select a diamond that will fit into your budget. But do not worry; here you can learn all about the factors that play a role in determining a diamond's beauty and price.


A diamond's color refers to how colorless a diamond is. The scale for color starts at D and ends at Z. The most popular color range for diamonds here at Dreamline Jewelers is from D to J. DEF are colorless and more expensive than the near colorless range which is GHIJ. To maximize value we suggest GHI for brilliant cut diamonds, and HIJ for step cut diamonds. Credit to GIA for the picture.

diamond color scale
diamond clarity scale


A diamond's clarity refers to the imperfections a diamond may have. This can be a combination of internal inclusions and external blemishes. Clarity is graded on a scale from Flawless to Included. To maximize value, we suggest a clarity grade of SI (only if eye clean) for brilliant cut diamonds and VS for step cut diamonds. Credit to GIA for the picture.


A diamond's cut refers to its fire, brilliance, and scintillation. We suggest choosing a diamond with an excellent cut grade as these diamonds will offer the maximum sparkle. A key factor that is crucial to consider when choosing a diamond is the relation that its carat weight has to the dimensions of the face up appearance. You do not want to select a diamond that appears smaller than its carat weight. Credit to GIA for the picture.

diamond cut graph
diamond carat weights


A diamond's clarity refers to the weight of a diamond. The more carats a diamond is, the higher its price will be. The price according to carat weight does not increase linearly. For example, a 2 carat diamond the same details as a 1 carat diamond will not cost double; it will cost much more. Credit to GIA for the picture.

diamond shapes


There are many different shapes diamonds are cut to, including round, princess, oval, cushion, heart, marquise, pear, emerald, asscher, and radiant. Some unique cuts include old european, old miner, and trillion.


Fluorescence is a diamond's ability to glow under UV light. Fluorescence can have either a positive or negative effect on a diamond's appearance, and therefore affects its price as well. Diamonds in the DEF color range can be negatively affected, therefore causing them to be less expensive and less desirable. Some may appear hazy or milky to the naked eye. Diamonds in the J color range and onward can be positively impacted causing them to appear more colorless to the naked eye. Fluorescence is graded from None, Faint, Medium, Strong, and Very Strong. If you do not mind a diamond with some level of fluorescence, there are diamonds that give off a great appearance with a more budget friendly price. Dreamline Jewelers does not sell diamonds that are negatively affected by fluorescence. Credit to GIA for the picture.

diamond certification


There are many different options to choose from when it comes to a diamond's certification. Some laboratories include GIA, AGS, EGL, HRD, and IGI. We suggest choosing a diamond with a GIA certification as they are the most renowned and respected. On a case by case basis, we may see it fit not to select a diamond with a GIA report. Credit to GIA for the picture.

Metal Options 101

gold bridal rings
platinum bridal rings


Our custom rings and jewelry are able to be crafted in 3 different gold colors and 3 different gold purities. We are able to make our jewelry in rose gold, yellow gold, white gold, and sometimes two tone. We are able to offer you a choice of 10kt, 14kt, or 18kt gold for many of our pieces. Gold tends to be more shiny than platinum and has to be replated every few years or so.


Our custom rings and jewelry are able to be crafted in platinum. We are able to make many of our custom jewelry pieces in platinum, with a focus on platinum in our bridal jewelry collection. Platinum tends to be more dull than gold, and needs polishing more often, but offers great durability and strength, ensuring longevity of our custom pieces.

Jewelry Sizing